Oborzos (Vabharz)  AR tetradrachm obverse
Persis, Oborzos (Vabharz)
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AR tetradrachm 16.8763 g, 30.3 mm
300-250 BC
1. Hill, George Francis. 1922. Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Arabia Mesopotamia and Persia. Page 197 #1 and Plate XXVIII #10 (as a drachm). London: British Museum.
2. Alram, Michael. 1986. Iranisches Personennamenbuch Band IV: Nomina Propria Iranica in Nvmmis. Page 167 #526 and Plate 17 #526. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Oborzos facing right with a moustache, wearing a Kyrbasia tied with a diadem with the kyrbasia's flap brought forward to cover his chin. A circular border.
Oborzos standing, facing a Fire-temple with double paneled doors and three horned battlements above. Oborzos is wearing a kyrbasia and long-sleeved garment, his right hand is raised in adoration. On the right, a standard with tassels.